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Tackle Tip : What Colour Soft Plastic Works Best For Fishing

March 22th, 2019 | Railblaza Team

In this Tackle Tip we ask Justin Willmer of Tackle Tactics Australia (and self confessed RAILBLAZA addict) to share his advice on best colour choice for soft plastics,  this is great article for those starting out with soft plastic fishing covering some fundamental basics. Many questions arise from people new to soft plastic fishing like “What Colour plastic lures do fish like best” “What colour works best in salt or fresh water” “What colour is best in dirty water” “What colour is best in clear water” 

Author Justin Willmer lives for life on the water with a rod in hand

Justin’s tips below will help you with some of these and is from a series of  helpful articles Justin has written for TT called Soft Plastics 101 which simplify some of the basics of soft plastics fishing, setting you up with a great foundation of knowledge, link to more of these articles at the end of this article.  

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Walk into a tackle store and you will be confronted with a wall of soft plastics in hundreds of colours. This can often be confusing for anglers and we are commonly asked which is the best colour or what colour should I use.

There are many theories on colour and colour selection, based on species, location, water colour and clarity, how bright the day is and more. Below is a simple guide, followed by many anglers, that has proven effective for us time and again.

By selecting 3 different types of colours, in your chosen soft plastic model, you can have the bases covered on most occasions.

Natural / Light Colours

3 great options in Light / Natural colours listed top to bottom. Opening Night/Smokey Shad/Pearl Blue Glimmer

On bright days and in clear water a light natural colour has proven itself time and again. These conditions give the fish excellent visibility and these light natural colours are often the most realistic presentation available. These light, natural colours are often relatively transparent and feature flecks and glitter to add to their appeal. Flecks can add subtle contrast and silhouette, while glitter catches the light and mimics the flash of scales and other natural triggers found on both aquatic and terrestrial prey.

Australian Bream taken on the motor oil colour

Dark / Silhouette Colours

3 very effective dark/Silhouette options listed top to bottom. Gold Rush/Bloodworm/Mud Minnow

When the water is dirtier or stained, or the light conditions low due to time of day or overcast weather a darker colour offers a better silhouette in the water and has often proven more effective. Run out tides, rainfall run off and tannin stained water can all create environments where darker coloured plastics can excel. These plastics can again feature fleck and glitter for added realism and additional strike triggers. Gold glitter is especially effective in dirty water and low light, catching and reflecting available light.

Justin’s wife Sheri-Lea is without a doubt as mad about fishing as he is.

Flouro Colours

3 proven Flouro colors listed top to bottom. Pink Glow/Nuked Chicken Glow/Sexy Penny

When neither of the aforementioned colours are working it’s time to try something completely different and fluoro colours have proven themselves time and again when light, natural and darker colours aren’t producing the bites. Whether it’s visibility, something that stands out from the rest or the fact that fluoro colours reflect UV light, there is something that has made colours such as Nuked Chicken Glow, Sexy Mullet and Pink Glow proven performers.

Flathead – one of Justin’s favourite fish to target on plastics

That’s a very basic overview of colour, however it’s basics that have proven themselves in both tournament and social fishing situations.  Read more in this series SOFT PLASTICS 101  HERE

Follow Justin and Sheri-Lea’s adventures on their FaceBook page YAKS ON  – HERE

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